I feel like it’s officially, for real, finally happening!! There’s no going back!

Last week the plumber came and stubbed up all our drains and lines (that’s when the bathtub faucet fiasco happened. 😂)
This Week:
We got sand to level out the dirt. This helps make sure the ground under the slab doesn’t shift so the slab won’t crack. It also helps water drain underneath the slab. After that we had to have the slab sprayed with a termite pre-treatment and then it was time to roll!

Slab Work:
We went out right when our guys started working and we had so. much. fun. watching! It amazes me how skilled these guys are and how quickly they work! (Important when working with cement! 😂) They’re so good at what they do. Some guys at Austin’s work said they went by to see it once it was done and were amazed at the quality and the things they were doing – because a lot of people just don’t do it right. We have loved working with this crew – it’s such a relief to have a team that we can trust!

The Kerns guys were so sweet to Hudson.
One asked if he wanted to drive the cement truck! Oh my word, I’m pretty sure Huddy thought he was in heaven!

Then Hudson and the other cement truck driver honked the horns back and forth at each other. 😂

Not that these two enjoyed this at all…. <3

And there she is!

It’s seriously the most beautiful slab I’ve ever seen! These guys are so amazing – you can kinda tell in the picture – they poured water over the top so it wouldn’t crack in the super crazy hot sun. It’s the little things ya’ll!

I can’t believe that’s our house! It already seems so much bigger than seeing just the footings. We have to wait two weeks for the slab to cure and then we’re off to framing! (I joke that this will be the most chill two weeks of this whole process!) Our windows and exterior doors have been ordered and in about 3-4 weeks, this thing will look like a real home!