The $70 Door Story

We’d been trying to build our house for about 2 years before we were able to get started. We’d been trying to be as prepared as possible so that when it was finally time to start, we were ready to roll. We wanted to know exact budgets for every detail which meant a LOT of times on the Lowe’s website.

I had no earthly clue how much a front door would cost and the ones from Austin’s work seemed a little high to me. So I thought I’d just get on Lowe’s website to see if we could find something more affordable.

I got online, selected the right category and then priced them low to high.

The first thing that popped up was this door:

the $70 door story

It was listed for $69.

I figured it was surely just a PART to a door. Maybe the hinges or something. But something possessed me to click on it, so I did.

I scrolled though and read every word in the listing. I probably read it five times before showing Austin and saying “Oh my gosh. I think this is a real door!”

He told me to hurry up and order it right then and there! Keep in mind, we are no where near ready to start building. We have no land, no money and no immediate plans for the future. We just know we were going to, whenever we could find the right piece of land. But we bought the door anyway!

We did some more research and eventually figured out that someone had screwed up listing that door on the website. We found the same Jeld-Wen fiberglass door with the opposite in-swing listed for $1699. Ya’ll. We paid $70 for a $1700 door!!!

Lowe’s tried to get me to cancel the order FOUR TIMES. I had to quickly call them back and tell them “No! I really need that!” Because we really did! It finally came in almost 6 months later and we loaded it up and took it over to my parents newly-organized garage to store. They were gracious enough to keep it there for almost a whole year and it was quite the occasion to finally move it from the garage to our new house!

Lesson to be learned: When you find a good deal – you buy it – especially if it’s a $1700 door!

September 16, 2019
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